Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

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Brief Explanation :

When the lifting chain of the stage electric hoist encounters any situations, it should be prohibited to use it  Some customers know that when the lifting chain is twisted and severely rusted and cann

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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  When the lifting chain of the stage electric hoist encounters any situations, it should be prohibited to use it

  Some customers know that when the lifting chain is twisted and severely rusted and cannot be ruled out, it must be prohibited to use. However, there are also prohibited situations that you are not aware of:

  When the elongation of a single link exceeds 3% of the nominal pitch, and the elongation of a double link exceeds 5% of the nominal pitch, it is prohibited to use it;

  2. When inspecting chain link welding cracks or other harmful defects with the naked eye or other equipment, it is prohibited to use it;

  3. After being damaged by the heat source, it cannot continue to be used;

  4. After excessive pitting or corrosion (acid, alkali), it cannot continue to be used;

  5. The dangerous section wear of components and accessories is reduced by 10% of the original size, and their use is prohibited.

  Note: The length of the lifting chain can be adjusted according to the lifting height of the lifting object, which is an essential component of the lifting device for cranes.

  Precautions for the use of the stage electric hoist lifting chain

  1. Whether the joint is loose or deformed

  2. Are the rollers cracked, damaged, or excessively worn

  3. Whether the pin is deformed or rotating, or corroded by embroidery

  4. Is there any abnormal noise or vibration during operation, and is the lubrication of the chain in good condition

  5. Whether the inner/outer chain pieces are deformed, cracked, or corroded

Stage electric hoist product details