Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Concert Entertainment Stage Electric Chain Hoist Motor


Brief Explanation :

The material of the stage electric hoist lifting chain is alloy steel, which is prone to corrosion and rust. During normal use, attention should be paid to maintenance.

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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Product Details

  Maintenance of stage electric hoist lifting chain under specific environmental conditions

  The material of the stage electric hoist lifting chain is alloy steel, which is prone to corrosion and rust. During normal use, attention should be paid to maintenance.

  1、 Dust pollution: Dust pollution is common in the environment and cannot be avoided. While dust pollution adsorbs on the surface of the chain, it also contaminates the surface of the chain with corrosive substances in the air. If not cleaned in time, it will inevitably have an irreparable impact on it.

  Maintenance: Regularly clean and wipe the chain, and apply rust proof oil after cleaning.

  2、 Water vapor: The material of the chain is steel. In an aerobic environment, the metal elements in the chain will undergo oxidation-reduction reactions with water, resulting in rust spots on the chain.

  Maintenance: Avoid prolonged use in damp and humid environments, wipe or air dry in a timely manner after use, and apply rust proof oil after drying.

  Maintenance methods for reducing wear and tear of stage electric hoist lifting chain rigging

  The stage electric hoist lifting chain rigging is mainly a lifting tool connected by lifting rings, hooks, and chains. It has the characteristics of high working strength, frequent use, and rapid wear and tear of various components, especially the lifting chain part. Users need to pay attention to maintenance and replace scrapped items with new ones in a timely manner.

  1. If one of the multiple leg rigging components has a problem, it is not allowed to replace the chain separately. The old and new components cannot be mixed to avoid breakage.

  2. Lubricating oil should be added appropriately during use to improve work efficiency and reduce wear.

  3. Select rigging specifications based on the weight of the lifted object, and overloading is not allowed.

  4. The rigging should be cleaned and stored in a dry environment when not in use to avoid rust spots.

Stage electric hoist product details