Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Adjustable electric chain Customized stage saw motor


Brief Explanation :

In the dazzling world of stage art, stage electric hoists play an indispensable and important role. It provides strong support for stage construction, equipment hoisting, and scene changes with its po

Category : W12 Stage Inteligent hoist

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  Maintenance of stage electric hoist: the key to ensuring a wonderful stage

  In the dazzling world of stage art, stage electric hoists play an indispensable and important role. It provides strong support for stage construction, equipment hoisting, and scene changes with its powerful lifting capability and precise control. However, regular maintenance is crucial for the stage electric hoist to maintain good performance at all times.

  1、 Daily inspection

  Appearance inspection: Before each use, carefully inspect the appearance of the stage electric hoist to see if there is any obvious damage, deformation, or corrosion. Special attention should be paid to the chain, hook, shell and other parts to ensure that they are intact and undamaged.

  Electrical system inspection: Check if the power cord is intact, if the plug is loose, and if the switch is sensitive. Meanwhile, observe whether there is any abnormal noise, heat or vibration during the operation of the motor.

  Brake system inspection: Test the performance of the brake system to ensure reliable braking when lifting heavy objects. Check if the friction pads of the brake are worn, and replace them promptly if necessary.

  Chain inspection: Check whether the length of the chain is appropriate, whether there is distortion, deformation or wear. If the chain is severely worn or damaged, it should be replaced immediately to ensure safety.

  2、 Regular maintenance

  Cleaning: Regularly clean the stage electric hoist to remove surface dust, oil stains, and debris. You can use a clean damp cloth to wipe the shell, and for parts such as chains and hooks, specialized cleaning agents can be used for cleaning.

  Lubrication: Regularly lubricate moving parts such as chains, gears, and bearings to reduce wear and friction. Choose the appropriate lubricant and apply or add it according to the instructions.

  Tightening: Check if the bolts and nuts at each connection point are loose, and tighten them if necessary. Especially at the hook, chain connection, and motor fixing parts, it is necessary to ensure their firmness and reliability.

  Debugging: Regularly debug the stage electric hoist, check whether its lifting and lowering speed is normal, and whether its positioning is accurate. If there are any abnormalities, they should be adjusted or repaired in a timely manner.

  3、 Storage precautions

  When the stage electric hoist is not in use, it should be stored in a dry and ventilated place to avoid moisture and corrosion. Special storage racks or boxes can be used to properly store electric hoists.

  Before storage, the electric hoist should be cleaned and necessary maintenance should be carried out. If not used for a long time, it can also be treated with rust prevention.

  Avoid storing stage electric hoists in environments with high, low, or corrosive gases to avoid affecting their performance and lifespan.

  4、 Professional maintenance

  If the stage electric hoist malfunctions or is damaged, it should be stopped from use in a timely manner and professional maintenance personnel should be contacted for repair. Do not disassemble or repair on your own to avoid causing greater damage or safety accidents.

  Choose a reputable repair service provider to ensure that the repair personnel have professional skills and experience. After maintenance, a comprehensive test and inspection should be conducted on the electric hoist to ensure its performance returns to normal.

  In short, the maintenance of the stage electric hoist is the key to ensuring a wonderful stage. Only through regular inspection, maintenance, and repair can the stage electric hoist always maintain good performance and contribute to the development of stage art.

Decomposition of stage electric hoist



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