Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Lifting stage equipment Stage electric hoist


Brief Explanation :

The lifting height can be said to be a key point in selecting a chain electric hoist. It should be noted that it is itself a lifting device tool

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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What issues should be considered when purchasing a stage electric hoist?

1、 The lifting height can be said to be a key point in selecting a chain electric hoist. It should be noted that it is itself a lifting device tool, so the lifting height of the hoist is a crucial parameter when selecting. There are several specifications on the market now, including 30 meters, 24 meters, 18 meters, and 12 meters. There are also some electric chain hoists with lower lifting heights, such as 6 meters and 9 meters.

2、 The lifting speed is also a parameter worth paying attention to when choosing. Simply put, the lifting speed of electric chain hoists on the market now can be divided into two types: single speed and double speed. Different fields have different requirements for speed, and everyone can choose according to their own special needs. Generally, using a single speed electric hoist device can meet the overall needs under normal working conditions.

3、 Motor power and voltage are crucial components and performance of the entire device. In different usage environments, there may be differences in motor power and voltage. At this time, users need to choose according to their actual situation, and remember to meet the standards of the on-site operating environment, so as to make the later work more efficient.

4、 When consumers and business groups choose electric hoists, they all hope that the price of the device can be a bit cheaper. However, it should be noted that high-quality equipment also requires a certain cost investment, as the selection of raw materials and various components directly affects its price trend. Remember not to blindly adhere to low prices.