Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Factory Supplier electric motorized stage hoist


Brief Explanation :

Many people think that stage electric hoists can accomplish tasks that ordinary electric hoists can do, but in fact, this is not the case. There are still some differences in design and function betwe

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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  These differences have made the stage electric hoist irreplaceable

  Many people think that stage electric hoists can accomplish tasks that ordinary electric hoists can do, but in fact, this is not the case. There are still some differences in design and function between ordinary electric hoists and stage electric hoists, and these differences are the reasons why stage electric hoists cannot be replaced by ordinary electric hoists. Below, Crown Aviation will take you to understand.

  Control method: Stage electric hoists usually have more advanced control methods, which can achieve precise position control and speed adjustment to meet the special needs of stage construction and performance. Ordinary electric hoists may only provide simple lifting functions and cannot meet complex suspension requirements.

  Noise and vibration: The design of stage electric hoists may have considered the requirements of reducing noise and vibration to ensure that they do not interfere with the audience or performance during the performance. In contrast, ordinary electric hoists may not have this special optimization and may produce more noise and vibration.

  These characteristics make it difficult to be replaced by ordinary electric hoists in special scenes such as stage performances. Of course, with the continuous advancement of technology, some ordinary electric hoists may also have certain competitiveness, but in the field of special purposes, stage electric hoists are still indispensable equipment in stage construction and performance.

  The maintenance and upkeep of the external circuit of the stage electric hoist cannot be ignored

  For the maintenance and upkeep of the stage electric hoist, people pay more attention to the inspection and repair of its internal components, while some exposed parts are often overlooked, especially the external circuit parts. So how important is the maintenance and upkeep of the external circuit of the stage electric hoist?

  The external circuit is an important component that connects power to the electric hoist, and its condition directly determines whether the hoist can be used normally. Proper maintenance and upkeep of the circuit can effectively conduct current, making the stage electric hoist more efficient for lifting operations.

  The circuit of the stage electric hoist is generally exposed to the outside, and over time, it is easy to cause wear and aging of the circuit. In more serious cases, it may even break. This not only causes the stage electric hoist to be unable to be used normally, but also causes operational accidents, leading to dangerous situations.

  It can be seen from this that it is important to regularly maintain the external circuit of the stage electric hoist, ensuring that the circuit can supply power to the stage electric hoist normally, which is also very important.

Stage electric hoist product details