Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Factory Supplier Lifting Device Stage Electric Gourd


Brief Explanation :

Entering summer, as the outdoor temperature rises, the working environment for using stage electric hoists becomes even worse. High temperatures and ultraviolet rays can have an impact on all aspects

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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Product Details

  Protective measures need to be taken when using stage electric hoists in summer

  Entering summer, as the outdoor temperature rises, the working environment for using stage electric hoists becomes even worse. High temperatures and ultraviolet rays can have an impact on all aspects of the hoists, which requires us to take certain protective measures when using them.

  We all know that when using electric hoists on stage, they need to be connected to a power source for use. High temperatures and ultraviolet radiation not only cause the temperature of the hoist motor to rise faster during operation, but also have an impact on the circuit and power supply. In this case, we can cover the upper part of the hoist with a protective cover and provide a certain degree of protection and sun protection for the circuit and power supply to ensure that ultraviolet radiation does not directly shine on it; For high temperatures, we can use manual or mechanical auxiliary cooling methods to prevent motor faults such as short circuits due to overheating, ensuring safer operation of the gourd. During operation, operators can wear gloves to prevent burns on the surface of the gourd due to high temperatures.

  When we use stage electric hoists in summer, we can use the above methods to make the hoists operate more stably in a high temperature and UV rich working environment.

  Don't forget to regularly maintain the circuit of the stage electric hoist

  The external circuit is an important component for us to connect the power supply to the gourd, and its status directly determines whether the gourd can be used normally. Proper maintenance of the circuit can effectively conduct current and enable the hoist to operate more efficiently; When we use the gourd in our daily life, the circuit of the gourd is exposed to the outside world. Over time, the circuit will wear and age, and even short circuits and fractures may occur. This not only makes it difficult to use the gourd normally, but also leads to work accidents and dangerous situations. At this time, we need to regularly maintain and upkeep the gourd's circuit to ensure that the circuit can provide electricity to the gourd safely and normally during operation, thereby ensuring safe operation.

  So, the stage electric hoist is the key guarantee for our safe and efficient lifting operations, and we should regularly maintain and upkeep it to keep it in good working condition.

Stage electric hoist product details