Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Efficient And Stable engine hoist electric Crane


Brief Explanation :

 It is very important to check the condition of the control handle housing, buttons, and cables before operating the stage electric hoist. Search for cracks, loose wires, and wear - anything that appe

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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Product Details

  Safety inspection of stage electric hoist before use: control device inspection

  1. Check the condition of the control device of the stage electric hoist

  It is very important to check the condition of the control handle housing, buttons, and cables before operating the stage electric hoist. Search for cracks, loose wires, and wear - anything that appears abnormal or unsafe.

  2. Control device buttons: marking and operation

  After ensuring that the control handle is in working condition and can be safely operated, the buttons should be tested to ensure that their labels are clear and correct. You may be familiar with how to operate controls, but if newcomers have to use gourds, can they recognize the purpose of each button? This test is one of the pre run tests that you should always perform before using the hoist.

  Precautions during testing

  Ensure that there are no obstacles in the area below the stage electric hoist or crane. Additionally, please ensure that there are no people, including yourself, under the gourd or on the path.

  If the limit switch malfunctions, please make sure not to hit the end block of the tail chain into the stage electric hoist. This operation may cause damage to the gourd.

  After taking these safety precautions, you can operate and test the stage electric hoist control device. Just performing a quick running check in each direction is sufficient for this part of the inspection. (You can try the limit). To check if the operation is correct, please follow the steps below:

  You need to verify if the markings on the control handle are correct - move the hook upwards with "up" and downwards with "down".

  Test whether the car control device moves the car left or right according to the instructions on the control handle button.

  Test the beam and ensure that it moves in the specified direction on the control handle.

  If there are other alarm devices on the gourd control device that also need to be tested, such as horns and indicator lights.

  One suggestion is that marking the direction as "left" or "right" based on the operator's standing posture may be confusing, so we recommend using "north", "south", "east", and "west" marking controls to avoid any confusion.

  All functions of the gourd must be functioning properly and operated according to the markings on the control handle. Otherwise, the gourd must be discontinued.

  Once you ensure that the control device is clearly marked and functioning properly, you can operate the stage electric hoist. Please remember that if you encounter these issues with the control handle at any time in the future, you should stop using the hoist until the control device is repaired.

Stage electric hoist product details



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