Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Durable Stage Equipment Electric Chain Block


Brief Explanation :

We all know that the lifting chain needs to be maintained or cleaned after use. After completion, it needs to be placed. If placed casually, the maintenance work on it will fail. So, where should it b

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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Product Details

  Placement issues after the use of the lifting chain

  We all know that the lifting chain needs to be maintained or cleaned after use. After completion, it needs to be placed. If placed casually, the maintenance work on it will fail. So, where should it be stored more safely?

  To ensure its storage security and reduce the likelihood of anomalies during storage, the selected storage environment must meet the following three conditions.

  Condition 1: The direct sunlight has a shorter duration and weaker intensity.

  Condition 2: The moisture content in the air is relatively low, that is, the air humidity is relatively low.

  Condition 3: The content of corrosive particles is relatively low, indicating that air pollution is not severe.

  If you want your lifting chain to have a longer lifespan, you should meet the above three conditions in daily storage to ensure a safe environment.

  How to cut off the breakage of lifting chains

  The lifting chain is often used on lifting hoists to lift heavy objects. Many customers have asked a question, which is how to ensure that the purchased chain will not break.

  There are two reasons for its breakage. Firstly, the breakage of the lifting chain is mainly due to improper user operation, and secondly, it is caused by the substandard quality of the chain.

  Improper user operation mainly includes overloading operation, diagonal lifting, and other behaviors, which can increase the load-bearing capacity of the chain, exceed the rated load, and easily cause deformation and fracture of the chain.

  If the quality of the lifting chain does not meet the standards, it will increase the occurrence of breakage, because the production of the chain does not meet the national standards, and there are quality loopholes. When users lift the chain, the force on the chain increases, and long-term use can lead to chain breakage.

  Finally, I would like to remind you that when purchasing a lifting chain, you must choose one produced by a reputable manufacturer, and do not neglect the importance of small things.

Stage electric hoist product details