Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

stage electric chain hoist battery hydraulic lifting


Brief Explanation :

Behind the scenes of stage performances, stage hands play a crucial role. To ensure its safe and efficient operation, the following are the precautions for daily maintenance and upkeep of stage chain

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  Precautions for daily maintenance and upkeep of stage chain hoists

  Behind the scenes of stage performances, stage hands play a crucial role. To ensure its safe and efficient operation, the following are the precautions for daily maintenance and upkeep of stage chain hoists.

  1、 Pre use inspection

  1) Appearance inspection

  Before each use, carefully inspect the outer shell of the chain hoist for cracks, deformation, or severe wear. Any external damage may affect the structural integrity of the gourd.

  Check the hook to ensure that it has no obvious deformation, wear, or cracks. The opening of the hook should be kept normal without excessive opening.

  2) Chain inspection

  Check for twisted, tangled, or broken links in the chain. Slight twisting can be manually corrected, but if a broken or severely worn chain link is found, the chain must be replaced immediately.

  Ensure that the lubrication condition of the chain is good, as lack of lubrication will increase the wear and running resistance of the chain.

  2、 Precautions during use

  1) Operating standards

  The operator should be familiar with the operation method of the chain hoist and strictly follow the operating procedures. Avoid excessive force or incorrect pulling of the handle.

  When pulling the handle, maintain a steady and uniform motion, avoid sudden pulling and jerking, and prevent impact on the hoist and chain.

  2) Load limit

  It is essential to comply with the rated load of the chain hoist and overloading is strictly prohibited. Overloading may cause chain breakage, damage to the hoist, and even lead to safety accidents.

  For loads with uncertain weight, estimation or weighing should be carried out in advance to ensure that they are within the carrying capacity of the hoist.

  3、 Maintenance after use

  1) Cleaning work

  After each use, wipe the outer shell of the chain hoist with a clean cloth to remove dust, oil stains, and other impurities. Keeping the casing clean can prevent corrosion.

  Clean the chain, removing dirt, dust, and residual lubricant from the chain. You can use a brush and appropriate cleaning agent for cleaning.

  2) Lubrication and maintenance

  Regularly lubricate the chain using specialized chain lubricant. Apply lubricating oil evenly to each link of the chain to ensure sufficient lubrication of the chain.

  Meanwhile, lubricating oil can also be applied appropriately to other moving parts of the gourd, such as gears, bearings, etc., to reduce friction and wear.

  3) Storage precautions

  When the chain hoist is not in use, it should be stored in a dry and ventilated place to avoid damp and corrosive environments. The gourd can be placed on a dedicated tool cabinet or shelf.

  Before storage, ensure that the chain has been loosened and there are no entanglements or knots.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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