Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

portable stage electric chain hoist material handling equipment


Brief Explanation :

In the world of stage performance, every detail is crucial. As an important tool for stage construction and equipment hoisting, the safety of stage chain hoists is directly related to the smooth progr

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Trial: An Important Step to Ensure Stage Safety

  In the world of stage performance, every detail is crucial. As an important tool for stage construction and equipment hoisting, the safety of stage chain hoists is directly related to the smooth progress of stage performances and the safety of personnel. Therefore, the trial pulling of stage hand pulled gourds has become an essential and important part.

  1、 The Importance of Trial Pulling Stage Gourds

  (1) Ensure equipment safety

  Performing a trial pull on a stage chain hoist before use can effectively test its performance and safety. Through trial pulling, it is possible to detect whether there are faults, damages, or potential safety hazards in the hoist, and promptly repair or replace it to ensure the safety and reliability of the equipment during use.

  (2) Ensure the safety of personnel

  Stage performances typically involve a large number of personnel, including actors, staff, and audiences. If the stage chain hoist malfunctions during use, it may lead to serious consequences such as equipment falling and personnel injury. Therefore, conducting trial pulling can detect problems in advance, avoid accidents during the performance, and ensure the safety of personnel's lives.

  (3) Improve the quality of performances

  The trial pulling of the stage chain hoist can ensure the stability and accuracy of the equipment during use. If the gourd experiences shaking, deviation, or other issues during the trial pulling process, timely adjustments and repairs can be made to improve the quality and effectiveness of the performance.

  2、 Steps for trying out the stage hand pulled gourd

  (1) Check the equipment

  Before conducting a trial pull, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the stage hoist. The inspection includes checking whether the appearance of the gourd is damaged, whether the chain is deformed or worn, and whether the hook has cracks. At the same time, it is necessary to check whether the operating handle of the hoist is flexible and whether the brake is reliable.

  (2) Choose a trial location

  The testing location should be chosen on an open, flat, and solid ground, avoiding testing in areas that are soft, inclined, or have obstacles. At the same time, the testing site should be far away from personnel and equipment to ensure safety during the testing process.

  (3) Install gourd

  Install the stage chain hoist in the appropriate position, ensuring that the hoist hook is securely connected to the lifted equipment. During installation, it is important to pay attention to whether the chain direction of the hoist is correct to avoid twisting or entanglement of the chain.

  (4) Conduct a trial pull

  After installation, slowly pull the zipper tape to gradually load the hoist. During the trial pulling process, attention should be paid to observing the operation of the hoist, including whether the chain transmission is smooth, whether the brake is reliable, and whether the hook is loose. If any problems are found, the trial pulling should be stopped immediately and inspected and repaired.

  (5) Record the test pull results

  After the trial pulling is completed, the results should be recorded. The recorded content includes the time, location, load size, and operation of the hoist during the trial pulling. At the same time, detailed records should be kept of any problems discovered during the trial pulling process, and timely repairs or replacements should be carried out.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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