Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

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What is the effect of applying lubricating oil at different stages on stage chain hoists

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  What is the effect of applying lubricating oil at different stages on stage chain hoists

  If you want to extend the stage chain hoist, you need to regularly apply lubrication to the stage chain hoist section to prevent rusting, and lubrication at different times will have different effects.

  There are three time points for the lubrication and maintenance of the chain hoist, which are before use, after cleaning, and regular maintenance.

  Before use, it is to give the stage hoist a certain degree of flexibility to ensure work safety before starting. After cleaning, applying anti slip oil is to reduce the rusting of the hoist, as cleaning will allow the stage hoist to come into contact with water. At this time, after applying lubricating oil, a tight protective film will be formed to prevent rusting.

  Applying lubricating oil during maintenance is to extend the service life of the stage chain hoist and ensure its performance.

  What to pay attention to when multiple stage chain hoists need to complete a lifting operation simultaneously

  Under normal circumstances, it is not common for multiple stage chain hoists to be used together, as any deviation in one of them can cause the other to overload and pose a danger. However, if large-scale lifting operations are carried out in special environments where one stage chain hoist cannot maintain balance, multiple chain hoists can be used.

  If you want to use multiple stage chain hoists at the same time, you must pay attention to ensuring that each stage chain hoist has the same specifications. As long as one stage chain hoist differs from the other two, it will bring great safety hazards. Because multiple chain hoists are shared, the weight will be evenly distributed to each stage chain hoist, which can ensure that overloading does not occur.

  As long as the safety and stability of the chain hoist used are ensured, it can be used. However, the stage hoist manufacturer still recommends that when one stage hoist is under load, it is best not to use multiple stage hoists for sharing. It is necessary to choose a larger specification stage hoist for operation.

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