Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Silent Outdoor Stage Lighting Electric Hoist 1000kg


Brief Explanation :

In stage performances, stage hoists are often used to assist staff in quickly evacuating props. But what if during the process of using the stage hoist to evacuate props, the stage hoist suddenly cann

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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Product Details

  What to do if a stage performer can't pull the gourd

  In stage performances, stage hoists are often used to assist staff in quickly evacuating props. But what if during the process of using the stage hoist to evacuate props, the stage hoist suddenly cannot be pulled?

  During the stage performance, both the actors and the backstage staff will tightly tie a string, just to ensure that the stage performance can be perfectly presented to all the audience.

  Especially the backstage staff, they always silently ensure the smooth progress of the stage performance behind the scenes.

  But rather than ensuring the smooth progress of stage performances, it is more important to avoid injuries to stage performers. So during the use of the stage chain hoist, if the stage chain hoist suddenly fails to move, the staff must not rush to use brute force to continue pulling, otherwise it may cause the prop to shake or even fall.

  At this point, the staff should observe the stage hoist body to determine the cause of the chain jam, and then pull the other zipper to see if the prop can be controlled to descend. If the prop still cannot be moved, the attempt must be stopped, the stage performance must be stopped, and the prop and stage hoist must be removed.

  This can prevent props hanging in mid air from interfering with the stage performance, and also prevent props from falling and injuring performers.

  Be sure to maintain and upkeep the stage chain hoist properly

  When using the stage hoist to assist the staff in moving stage props, the stage hoist is operated above the stage performers. If a malfunction occurs, it is likely to cause injury to the stage performers. So, after using the stage hoist, users must take good care of the maintenance and upkeep of the stage hoist.

  When maintaining the stage chain hoist, users need to first inspect the body of the stage chain hoist. If there are any damaged parts in the body, they need to repair or replace them in a timely manner.

  Then, the user should apply rust proof grease to the parts of the stage chain hoist that are prone to rust, to avoid rusting during storage.

  Furthermore, the user also needs to apply lubricating grease to the lifting chain to ensure good chain transmission. Finally, users also need to regularly replace the stage hoist brake pads to ensure that the stage hoist brake system can brake in a timely manner.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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