Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Portable Stage Hoist Factory Supplier Stage Chain Block


Brief Explanation :

Quality, for people, is a habit formed after birth, and for stage gourds, it is a reflection of the safety of the gourds. So, as an important member of stage construction, what qualities do gourds nee

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  What qualities do stage gourds need to possess?

  Quality, for people, is a habit formed after birth, and for stage gourds, it is a reflection of the safety of the gourds. So, as an important member of stage construction, what qualities do gourds need to possess?

  Firstly, the chain hoist needs to have a comprehensive braking system. The braking system is the core component of a chain hoist and one of the indispensable parts for it to maintain operation. A complete braking system can enhance the safety of the chain hoist itself and improve work efficiency.

  Secondly, the chain hoist needs to have complete parameter information. There are many models of chain hoists, and one of the criteria for determining whether they can be used is the various parameters of the chain hoist. If the parameter information is incomplete, the operator cannot accurately judge the various information of the chain hoist, which will increase the danger of lifting.

  Thirdly, chain hoists need to have safe protective measures.

  The above is an introduction to the qualities required for a stage chain gourd, hoping to be helpful to you

  How to do horizontal homework with a stage chain hoist

  Stage chain hoists belong to the category of circular chain manual hoists, which can play a significant role in the process of stage construction. Below, we will provide a detailed analysis.

  Hand pulled hoists can be used for vertical lifting operations, but during the operation process, not only vertical operations are required, but sometimes horizontal operations are also needed. So what should be noted during horizontal lifting?

  Hand pulled hoists are often used for horizontal operations with hand pulled carts or hand pushed carts. When selecting a manual cart, it is necessary to check whether the load capacity of the cart matches that of the hand pulled hoist to avoid overloading and other non-standard operating behaviors.

  To maintain the mystery of the stage, the entire body of the chain hoist is pitch black. Therefore, when matching the trolley with the chain hoist, it is necessary to choose a trolley that matches its color to bring visual enjoyment to the lifting construction work.

  The above is an introduction to the method of horizontal lifting with a stage hoist, hoping to be helpful to you

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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