Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Outdoor Stage Lighting Advanced Crane Lift Stage


Brief Explanation :

Stage chain hoists need to be regularly maintained in order to display their most beautiful appearance, but many people do not know how to properly maintain them, resulting in a shiny appearance in th

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  Maintenance methods for stage chain hoists

  Stage chain hoists need to be regularly maintained in order to display their most beautiful appearance, but many people do not know how to properly maintain them, resulting in a shiny appearance in the early stages of use, but a lack of color and efficiency in the later stages. Therefore, these maintenance methods need to be checked.

  1. Correct operation. This is the best way to avoid tools changing their appearance (shape), simple and effective.

  2. Keep the usage environment clean. The use of space is also one of the important factors that affect tools, just like the working environment of humans, polluted air will inevitably attract objects into the body and cause harm. Therefore, the environment you create for it is also very important.

  3. Clean and store after use. After use, necessary measures such as removing surface stains and lubricating and storing the tool can extend its service life.

  If you have carried out the above maintenance operations on the stage chain hoist, your tools will definitely be efficient and long-lasting.

  Solution to the shaking problem of stage chain hoist

  It is inevitable to experience shaking when using a stage hoist to lift heavy objects. In addition to uncontrollable external factors, operator errors are also an important factor leading to stage hand pulling.

  Especially for operations such as rapid lifting, not only does it cause the goods to shake, but it also causes significant wear and tear on the hoist, affecting work efficiency. So how can we avoid the occurrence of shaking problems?

  Firstly, it is forbidden to lift the hoist at too fast a speed. The speed is too fast, and the earning force of the chain suddenly increases, making the goods unstable and naturally prone to shaking.

  Secondly, non diagonal zipper strips. The diagonal zipper strip can easily cause the gourd itself to shake, which in turn drives the goods to shake.

  Thirdly, if used in conjunction with a monorail trolley, it is essential to ensure that the trolley tracks are parallel. In addition, the small car gnawing on the track is also a cause of the hoist shaking.

  Fourthly, overloading is prohibited. If the load is too heavy, the tired stage hand chain hoist will tremble, and the goods will naturally shake along.

  The shaking of the stage hoist may cause goods to fall and injure operators, with serious consequences. So the operator must remember the above four ways to avoid shaking and ensure their own and others' safety.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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