Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Light Duty Pull Up Lift Machine Aluminum Truss Hoist


Brief Explanation :

The stage provides actors with a place to showcase themselves, and the lighting, sound, and other equipment on the stage make their performances more colorful and valuable for viewing. These devices a

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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Product Details

  Is it unnecessary to use a stage hoist to lift the scaffolding

  The stage provides actors with a place to showcase themselves, and the lighting, sound, and other equipment on the stage make their performances more colorful and valuable for viewing. These devices are usually hung above the stage or on a stand, and the stand must withstand the weight of these stage equipment, otherwise it will collapse.

  On stage, the stage hoist can not only be used to lift stage equipment, but also to lift the crossbeam truss below. Only when the stage truss is strong enough can the stage performance work proceed smoothly.

  In addition, stage construction requires a large amount of work and heavy equipment. Hand pulled hoists can also be used for lifting and suspending stage tools.

  We recommend that customers choose black or stage specific hand pulled hoists for use on stage. This way, the black body of the hoist will have a good stealth effect when hung on the frame, and the probability of reflecting stage lights will be low. It can enhance the safety factor of the stage while ensuring the stage effect.

  What should I do if there is a deviation when using a stage hoist to lift the frame

  A small stage only requires building a stage frame, but a large stage has a complex structure and involves numerous mechanical equipment such as stage lighting and sound systems. It is not easy to quickly, efficiently, and safely build a stage and complete a performance. With the addition of stage chain hoists, setting up a stage has become even easier, but this requires a foundation of correct operation.

  Firstly, it is necessary to choose a suitable lifting point. Only a sturdy and stable lifting point can ensure the safety of the hoist, heavy objects, and surrounding operators;

  Secondly, the stage crossbeam can withstand significant impact forces;

  Thirdly, do a good job in daily maintenance and upkeep.

  What should I do if there is a deviation when improving the framework? The correct approach is to stop resetting and find the cause before continuing with the installation.

  Firstly, we can start with the lifting tool: chain hoist. If the chain lengths, spacing, and hanging points of two chain hoists are not the same, it can also lead to deviation in the lifting position;

  Secondly, we can start with the operators. If two operators pull the hand zipper of the gourd at the same time and apply the same amount of force at the same frequency, it can avoid the occurrence of deviation. Otherwise, it will lead to the occurrence of deviation;

  In addition, factors such as the workmanship and size of the stage hoist frame are also one of the reasons for deviations in the lifting of the stage hoist frame.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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