Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

High Efficiency Stage Self climbing hoist


Brief Explanation :

 Any mechanical equipment has usage precautions, and stage chain hoists are no exception. One of the precautions for using a stage chain hoist is to prohibit it from being pulled or hung diagonally.

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  What are the hazards of using a stage chain hoist to pull and hang diagonally

  Any mechanical equipment has usage precautions, and stage chain hoists are no exception. One of the precautions for using a stage chain hoist is to prohibit it from being pulled or hung diagonally. Many people only know that it is not allowed to pull or hang the stage hoist diagonally, but they do not know what the hazards are. Today, we will introduce the hazards of pulling or hanging the stage hoist diagonally?

  1. Stage chain hoists require significant force during diagonal pulling operations, and operators may lose balance due to excessive force or sudden release of force, resulting in falls or other injuries.

  2. The crooked pulling and hanging of the stage hoist will increase the load, which may lead to overloading of the stage hoist. If it exceeds its carrying capacity, it will cause damage to the stage chain hoist. Overloading operations may also cause the stage chain hoist to slip, the grab bucket to loosen or twist, endangering the safety of operators.

  3. The diagonal pulling operation may cause collisions between the stage hoist and other objects, or collisions between the lifted object and surrounding structures, resulting in dangerous situations such as damage, crushing, or pinching.

  In short, tilting the stage hoist not only causes harm to the stage hoist, but also endangers the personal safety of the staff, so it is necessary to use the stage hoist in the correct way.

  Although the stage chain hoist is easy to use, there are still some precautions that need to be remembered:

  Each stage chain hoist has a rated lifting capacity, and users must use it within the rated load range. Overloading is prohibited.

  The stage chain hoist needs to find a sturdy place to fix it, which must be able to bear the sum of the weight of lifting heavy objects and the weight of the reverse chain.

  When using a stage chain hoist, the pulling force on the chain should be even, and it should not be forcefully pulled to prevent the heavy object from losing balance and falling.

  When lifting heavy objects, it is forbidden to stand or pass people underneath to avoid situations where heavy objects fall and injure workers.

  After the use of the stage chain hoist is over, it should be cleaned and maintained in a timely manner to reduce the damage rate of parts and extend the service life of the equipment.

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