Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

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In maintenance and upkeep, it is essential to apply lubricating oil to the components of the stage chain hoist. The suitability of the lubricating oil directly affects the performance and efficiency o

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  What are the requirements for applying lubricating oil to stage chain hoists?

  In maintenance and upkeep, it is essential to apply lubricating oil to the components of the stage chain hoist. The suitability of the lubricating oil directly affects the performance and efficiency of the stage chain hoist. So, what should be paid attention to when applying lubricating oil?

  1. Choose lubricating oil with moderate viscosity, and apply it in the appropriate amount. Apply a thin layer and let it air dry moderately after application to facilitate the absorption of oil. It is also possible to touch the oil with your hands.

  2. When lubricating the stage chain hoist, lubricating oil must not seep into the friction rubber wood. If lubricating oil seeps into the friction rubber wood, it will cause the material of the friction rubber wood to change and be damaged, resulting in the failure of the self-locking of the stage chain hoist.

  Lubricating oil is a liquid with strong permeability, which can quickly penetrate into effective parts. Moderate use can reduce wear between equipment, provide certain protection for stage chain hoists, and extend the service life of chain hoists.

  Maintenance and cleaning methods for hand pulled haws rusting when exposed to water

  1、 Cleaning method for the shell of a chain hoist

  Drip a few drops of kerosene on the gourd, then wipe it off with a clean cloth. Clean the excess kerosene with a clean cloth and rinse it with water. Be careful not to let water flow into the interior of the gourd to prevent rusting of internal parts. After cleaning with water, wipe it clean so that all oil stains on the gourd are removed. Once the chain hoist gets wet, what should we do? Let's take a look at the following solutions.

  2、 Treatment and maintenance methods after encountering water

  1. The surface of the chain hoist will have a waterproof coating to prevent it from corroding and rusting when exposed to water. However, if it is completely immersed in water and all internal parts of the chain hoist are not dried in time, it will affect the use of the chain hoist.

  2. After soaking in water, the chain hoist should be immediately dried. It is forbidden to use it before it is dried. After the surface is dried, if the internal structure of the chain hoist is not easy to dry due to water immersion, a water blower or hair dryer should be used to blow vigorously at the chain mouth. If it is soaked in a lot of water, the outer shell of the chain hoist needs to be disassembled and dried. After it is completely dry, protective grease should be applied to the internal parts and lubricating oil should be applied before continuing to use.

  3. Do not use the chain block without proper treatment, as there is water inside the chain block that can soak out the lubricating oil of the parts. During operation, it is easy to increase the friction of the parts, causing premature wear of the chain block, which can lead to rusting and affect its service life.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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