Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Concert Entertainment Stage Crane Hand Crank Hoist


Brief Explanation :

What are the reasons for the paint peeling off of the stage chain hoist?  1. Perhaps the paint quality is poor. Some manufacturers use low-quality paint to save costs, which makes it easy for the stag

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  The reason for the paint peeling off of the stage hand pulled gourd

  What are the reasons for the paint peeling off of the stage chain hoist?

  1. Perhaps the paint quality is poor. Some manufacturers use low-quality paint to save costs, which makes it easy for the stage chain hoist to fall off during use.

  2. Friction and collision during the use of the chain hoist can also cause paint peeling.

  3. Finally, the maintenance of the gourd. Not paying attention to cleanliness after exposure to direct sunlight, damp environments, and the erosion of atmospheric chemical molecules are all reasons for the paint peeling off of the chain hoist.

  If users find that the stage chain hoist has serious paint peeling during use, please remember to repair it in a timely manner.

  Precautions for using stage chain hoists

  There are many types of tonnage for stage chain hoists, and various types of tonnage require proper protective measures and standardized operation during use.

  1. Choose a suitable stage chain hoist model and avoid overloading.

  2. Before use, a comprehensive inspection of the stage chain hoist should be conducted. If any damage is found to the components of the chain hoist, they should be replaced immediately.

  3. After replacing the components, testing should be conducted to ensure that the operation can be carried out safely and effectively.

  4. Set up eye-catching signs around the workplace to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the construction site and causing accidents.

  5. After use, clean the dust on the surface of the stage chain hoist and apply lubricating oil to key areas.

  6. When not in use, place the stage chain hoist in a dry and ventilated place and regularly maintain it.

  The safety of the stage operator's chain hoist must not be ignored. Standardized operation and complete preparation are necessary during use in order to ensure the longevity of the ship.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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