Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Concert Entertainment Electric Chain Hoist Stage


Brief Explanation :

In terms of inspection: Inspection can play a protective role to a certain extent, because the pre use inspection work can discover problems with the chain hoist, and deal with factors that affect ope

Category : Stage Chain Hoist Series

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  Daily usage precautions for stage chain hoists

  1. In terms of inspection: Inspection can play a protective role to a certain extent, because the pre use inspection work can discover problems with the chain hoist, and deal with factors that affect operational safety, which can reduce the occurrence of faults.

  2. Easy maintenance: The performance of the chain hoist is closely related to maintenance. If the performance is good, the probability of failure is relatively small. Therefore, it is important to do a good job in maintaining the chain hoist to reduce wear and tear between various parts, avoid the possibility of failure, and enable users to complete lifting work smoothly.

  3. Operator: Hand pulled hoists are professional tools. For operators, they must be familiar with the working principles and usage methods of hand pulled hoists before going on duty. This can not only improve work efficiency, but also greatly reduce damage to hand pulled hoists caused by improper operations, and increase the service life of hand pulled hoists.

  What are the specific steps of using a stage hoist to lift goods?

  1. Firstly, select a suitable tonnage of chain hoist before use.

  Before lifting goods, find a suitable tonnage of chain hoist for yourself.

  2. Next, install the chain hoist

  Fix the upper hook of the chain hoist to a safe position;

  3. Adjust the position of the goods

  Before lifting the goods, check if the goods are placed horizontally and safely above and below the lower hook, and there should be no tilting between the goods and the lower hook to prevent danger from being discovered

  4. Finally, start lifting the goods

  When lifting heavy objects, the operator should stand in the same plane as the hand zipper wheel and start pulling the hand zipper strip. When lifting heavy objects, it should be pulled vertically, and the hand zipper wheel should rotate clockwise to lift the heavy object;

  On the contrary, if the bracelet wheel rotates counterclockwise, the heavy object will slowly descend. When pulling the hand zipper, it should be evenly and gently lifted without excessive force. Excessive force may cause the chains to twist together, and excessive force should not be applied. If it is found that the zipper cannot be pulled, do not apply force or increase personnel. Stop immediately and check for accidents.

  Personnel are strictly prohibited from walking during lifting to avoid danger. Pay attention to its height while using it.

Stage Hand Pulling Gourd Product Details



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