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Can the stage hand chain hoist still be used due to severe wear and tear

  • 2023-12-13

  • admin

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Can the stage hand chain hoist still be used due to severe wear and tear

The stage chain hoist is a specialized tool for building stages and adjusting stage design, and the chain is a very important component on it. Due to the metal material of the chain, it is inevitable to wear or rust and corrosion during use. Can the chain continue to be used after wear or rust and corrosion?

When the chain is severely worn, its load-bearing capacity will decrease, and deformation or even fracture may occur during operation. Moreover, the surface of the worn chain is uneven, which may have an impact on other components of the internal transmission system during operation; After the chain rusts, the other components connected to the chain also have metal materials, which can cause other components to rust after contact; When the chain is corroded, not only will it affect other components, but even some metal materials that have come into contact with it will be affected.

In summary, when the chain of the stage chain hoist is severely worn or rusted, it should never be used again to avoid danger or affecting other components during operation.